Order N° 3727 of 23/04/2008 establishing the conditions for implementing the scheme for special duty-free entry of goods for re-export
Order N° 3726 of 23/04/2008 establishing the conditions for implementing the scheme for exceptional duty-free entry for re-export
Order N° 3728 of 23/04/2008 establishing the conditions for implementing the scheme for export for outward processing
Order N° 3730 of 23/04/2008 establishing the conditions for implementing the scheme for temporary entry for inward processing
Order N° 3731 of 23/04/2008 establishing the conditions for the approval and special use of warehouse facilities
Order N° 3732 of 23/04/2008 establishing the conditions for implementing the transhipping system
- Ministry of Justice- Directorate General for Taxes and Landed Property- The National Agency for Statistics and Demography - The National Association of Notaries
52-54, Rue Mohamed V, BP 430, CP 1824, Dakar Senegal